Well, well... it's been quite some time since I posted. Not all that much has been going on in baby world other than major bouts of cuteness.
Both girls are pulling up on everything and anything and cruising around. Sylvia can stand for about 3 seconds on her own, but only if she REALLY feels like it. So while walking looks like it is around the corner {{{shreeeeeek}}} I think I have at least another few weeks... perhaps it'll be just in time for the end of school (17 days... not that I'm counting).
Another thing I should mention is that I could listen to the sound of my children's laughter for hours and hours on end. Because of a last minute babysitter cancellation (she had a sick daughter), I ended up taking the twinkies to work with me. Of course they had a fantabulous time crawling around and playing. However, if you've ever been in an elementary school that has uncarpeted floor, you will understand just how nasty the floor is. Well, I couldn't stop them from crawling around, so I just let them get nasty. And of course, afterward, I wiped them down with some sanitary lotion. But they were still nasty as all get out, so as soon as I got home, I threw them into the tub. Well, let me just tell you how funny a rubber duck is... This duck is about 4 inches big. It is your classic yellow rubber duck. I would dunk the duck under water, get some water inside the duck and then squirt it out on the girls. Well, Sylvia had a FIT! She laughed so hard, it was practically uncontrollable. She had to stop to take a breath every once in a while. Something really tickled her about the noise that duck made... it's not a squeaky duck or anything, but the water didn't even have to be in it and she would just crack up. It was so great. Mya basically just sat in the water and watched Sylvia crack up. It sort of looked like "what is wrong with you?" Very cute. I'm more in love every day.